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  • 产品数量:9999.00 个产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:116640349公司编号:15681052
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Phased Array for Milcom Simultaneous access to multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites for ** hand off Helps meet demands for faster, less costly, more flexible, high-capability systems
As global defense agencies become more reliant on precision weapons, the quality, performance, and design of the ** chain are even more mission critical. We support customers with strength in three essential aspects of ** chain design: Comprehensive experience in missiles and munitions The broadest product portfolio in the industry, including MEMS-based gyroscope, accelerometer, and IMU solutions
The capability to seamlessly integrate hardware, software, and security throughout the entire ** chain Our catalog of components and deep expertise in missile and precision munition subsystems deliver solutions for targeting systems, guidance control, ordnance stabilization, and performance in extreme environments.

Ordnance Stabilization Key to any successful target prosecution is the stability and accuracy of the attitude and position of the munition. Analog Devices is the leader in MEMS-based gyroscope, accelerometer, and IMU solutions, providing systems that meet not only performance, but also the size and geometry requirements of modern munition designs.

Targeting Systems We provide targeting and seeker head solutions that enable a high degree of integration and size reduction. Some key areas of expertise include radar illuminator and receiver core technology, high speed/precision converters supporting target acquisition, and fusing and precision detonation.
ADI’s portfolio supports a wide range of communications architectures from traditional super-heterodyne to direct conversion and RF sampling. ADI’s Agile Transceivers can be customized and configured for a wide range of data link applications. With core operation from VHF to 6GHz, these single chip tunable transceivers minimize the number of discrete components needed, hence reducing size, weight and power (SWaP) for software-defined-radio (SDR) systems. ADI’s high-speed ADC’s and DAC’s enable wideband capabilities while GaAs and GaN amplifiers offer higher power and efficiency in smaller footprints. Up-conversion to X- and K-Bands is enabled with ADI’s PLL, VCO, Mixer, Filter and Amplifier products.
Guidance Control Hypersonic speeds, extremely high g-forces, and flight dynamics create an exceptionally demanding environment for the accurate movement of control surfaces. Analog Devices provides precision sensing and motion systems for both control surfaces and launcher positioning. Our capabilities include precision motor/servo control for guidance, high reliability digital ** processors, and precision RDC/LVDT technology.


欢迎来到深圳市国宇航芯科技有限公司网站,我公司位于经济发达,交通发达,人口密集的中国经济中心城市—深圳。 具体地址是广东深圳龙华区民治光浩国际中心一期16F,联系人是黄云艳。
联系电话是0755-84829291, 主要经营1、XILINX公司的系统级可编程FPGA器件; 在线复杂可编程逻辑CPLD器件;配置存储器PROM等。 2、ALTERA公司的现场可编程FPGA全系列; 可编程逻辑器件CPLD系列;配置存储器PROM。 3、TI公司的数字信号处理器DSP及外围器件; 运算放大器;模拟器件;A/D、D/A数字模拟转换器件 逻辑器件;PCI桥;430系列微处理器。ADI公司的数字信号处理器DSP。。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。

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